



User's Page: Dione and Titan reboot completed

Added by Juha-Pekka Lehtiö about 3 years ago

Reboot completed. Job max-time is restored and the clusters are now ready to use. Hyper Threading is now enabled on both clusters i.e. you can reserve and run two threads per cpu core if your workload benefits from it.

User's Page: Setup changes

Added by Timo Eronen about 3 years ago

1. Dione and Titan has been removed from the FGCI Grid. Thus it is not possible to submit jobs via the Grid infrastructure to Dione or Titan any more. Both clusters will be available to run local jobs, though.

2. Dione GPU nodes di39, di40, di 41 and di42 are removed from the cluster. Hence there are two GPU nodes (di37 and di38) left in the cluster.

3. FGCI Grid infrastructure will be shut down in the end of 2021. Submitting Grid jobs to any FGCI cluster is not possible starting from 1.1.2022

User's Page: Dione status (1 comment)

Added by Timo Eronen over 3 years ago

Dione has been rebooted due to kernel upgrade. gpu nodes did not upgrade gracefully, nvidia driver might be broken.
Normal compute nodes should run OK.

User's Page: Titan reboot

Added by Timo Eronen over 3 years ago

Titan reboot done, cluster is ready.

Julia is broken now due to clib upgrade. :(

Compute node 2 will be fixed next week.


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